I absolutely MUST take the time to post today on Parker's special blessing day. I'm so grateful for the gospel, and for my hubby who is good and wonderful and able to bless our babies. I was working up the nerve to stand up for testimony meeting today, but by the time I passed off the sleeping baby to mom-in-law and got ready to stand up (with what I thought was 5 mins left), the bishopric stood and ended the meeting. So, I guess there's no reason that I can't do that here and now, for the world to see. :)
I am so blessed. My life is so blessed. I never could have imagined how much I would love our children. I try to count each day with them as the blessing it is, although I do admit that at times it is incredibly stressful, i.e., trying to get out of the house to a doc appointment for Parker with 20 mins extra time (yay!), getting him in car seat and buckled down, Lucy frustrated with getting her shoes on, Mommy frustrated with trying to get everything together while Lucy is complaining (bottles cleaned, formula made, bottles stored, medication packed, extra diapers, extra clothes, extra bibs, wipes are full), Lucy getting frustrated with everything now that Mommy is frustrated, Parker spitting up through his nose and all over his clothes--now not breathing and then screaming like the world is ending, Mommy yanking Parker out of his car seat and calming him down, which takes 20 mins and then we're all late to his doctor's appointment. On the other hand, how can I not be incredibly grateful for the blessing of having these two sweet, absolutely beautiful children in my home. Lucy has been so helpful and of course LOVES her little brother. She tickles his feet and sings him songs when he's crying. She wakes every morning and runs to see Parker (I'm no longer on the top of the list), giving him kisses and saying "goo goo, gaa gaa" to try and get a smile. Parker similarly loves his sister, and smiles at her most all mornings when she comes to say good morning. It's a beautiful thing to see, the instant love between these two.
I must thank our Father in Heaven for sending Parker to us when he did. I do not know that I could find the strength to get through losing a child. I'm not that strong. Losing our pregnancies to miscarriage is one thing, and very difficult, but to lose a baby? I cannot even grasp the pain that would bring. The day we learned of his VLCADD, and the next day when I learned that Parker did indeed have VLCADD and it wasn't a fluke test, I've never cried so hard. Wade couldn't see my eyes, I could barely even see, and I just couldn't stop. Even the potential 'thought' of losing him... I am in love with him, and Lucy, and I'm so grateful that we have a long life to spend together thanks to modern medicine and genetic testing. Thank you, Father, for these sweet spirits in our home.
I also want to thank my in-laws for joining us this weekend. We miss our families so much at times like this, and it was wonderful they were able to be here. Bob and Colleen are definitely coveted in-laws. They are sweet and wonderful to us, and spoil us every time they come (Wade and I got a 3-hour nap today!). We had a lot of fun with them yesterday for the 4th of July celebrations, and Wade got to go shooting with his dad and a couple of friends on Friday in the booneys. Everyone who meets them loves them, and I'm very grateful that they are part of our lives. I love you guys!
Last but not least, I want to thank my sweet and wonderful husband. He has been very patient with me. I admit that my emotions are on edge these last 2 months (and to be honest, even before that during pregnancy). My patience, which was once one of my best qualities, has somehow gotten incredibly lost and can't find it's way back to me--please let me know if you find it somewhere. Maybe if I left it at one of your houses a few (several) months ago? I think Wade will pay a generous finder's fee.
I know, Wade, that you've made a lot of sacrifices for my happiness over the last several months. Even just yesterday, the 4th of July, you let me take everyone to a parade in hot weather (with the 2 things you hate most being crowds and heat... seriously). You were being very selfless again to agree to take everyone to a large fireworks show and face more crowds and more heat, although I admit that we likely had more fun going to a friend's home and lighting off what should be illegal fireworks. Thank you for being the rock of our family. Thank you being my rock. I love you so much. You deserve the most incredible wife, and I hope I resemble that in little pieces sometimes.
Now, on to the pictures. :)
Parker started off really happy! He was ready for church and smiling like crazy. We tried to take advantage of it, but we didn't want to be late so had to rush out the door! Here's a quick photo of the "pre" blessing happiness.
Well, I guess the happiness didn't stick too long, but here he is with Daddy!
I though it would be fun to share a couple of Lucy's blessing pictures as well! Here she is with Daddy.
Parker with Mommy
Lucy with Mommy (yes, we didn't get any of her when she wasn't screaming)
After church, we wanted to get a few pictures. Of course, he was sound asleep and wasn't really all that excited about cooperating, understandably. But, here we are trying to show off his outfit. Cute little man!
Grandma, Grandpa, and Parker
Grandma, Grandpa, Parker, and Lucy!
Lucy getting a little of the picture-taking action
Three generations of Johnson boys. Aren't they handsome?
Mom, Dad, and Parker
All of us! Thanks Brooke for putting down your baby on the grass to take our family picture. :)
Parker chilling and resting after his long day.
All in all, it was a very special day. Thanks everyone who thought of us today and couldn't be here, even though I know you wanted to :), and thanks to our friends who made a special trip to our meeting with the kids (and then had to likely go back to their ward a couple of hours later!).
She Said Yes!!!
1 month ago
What a sweet post Traci! We miss you guys, lets get togehter soon!
What a lovely, wonderful post. How blessed Parker and Lucy are to have you two as their parents! You have such a beautiful family and such a strong testimony. Thank you for sharing it.
What cute pictures! You have one adorable boy there! Of course, Lucy looks adorable as well! I'm glad that Wade's family was able to be there and support you two...plus being able to take a nap must have been just heavenly! I can't imagine how hard it must be to take care of 2 children...I know that just having 1 is frustrating at times. I think you are a wonderful mother, and only you could handle the trials you've been given. I keep thinking about how I would deal with things in your situation (with Parkers VLCADD), and I think you are to be commended! You have a beautiful testimony! I really miss being there and hanging out with you and your family. I'm glad that you guys had a great 4th of July holiday. I really missed lighting off the fireworks at your house...that was SO fun last year! Well, I hope things can get easier for you, and please call me if you ever just need to vent or someone to listen. Talk to you later.
What a sweet testimony! Thank you for sharing. I sympathize with the very thought of losing a baby being more than i can handle! I am glad you have a wonderful baby boy!
Your family is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your testimony here.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Glad to hear your little ones are doing well.
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