Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Wade!

This was such a special day that I figured it deserves it's own post. :) Wade turned 30 on Saturday, May 31st! It was a big year. We've both been working hard and it's been difficult to find time to relax together. I had a great idea a few months ago about what to do for his birthday, and it worked wonderfully!

On Thursday, Wade took off to work without realizing the day I had planned. After he left, Wade's mom, Colleen, arrived from Utah. She, Lucy, and I drove to Wade's work after picking up balloons, sandwiches, cake, ice cream, and a last-minute camera (which almost made us late!). I had arranged this with the management staff at his job, and they were all in on our little surprise. They arranged to have an "audit meeting" in the cafeteria conference room. Lucy, Colleen, and I had to be escorted to the room due to security. However, once we arrived at 12:29 (the meeting was supposed to start at 12:30), the security officer was giving the manager a hard time and wouldn't let us in!! After all of this planning, I thought we were going to have to turn around and go home. They were able to "stall" the meeting until further notice, and it only took us a few minutes before we talked the security into letting us through. So we were able to set up minutes before Wade's group came to the conference room, and Wade was definitely surprised! He was a good sport, but he threatened to get even. (I have pictures of the day, but I forgot my digital camera and had to rush to a KMart and get a disposable on the way to his work. I'll try to get the pictures digital and post when I have them.) The original plan had been to take Wade from work after the lunch meeting, but unfortunately he had too much work. I had cleared it through his work to take Thursday afternoon through Monday off, but it looked like Friday to Monday was going to have to do.

After Wade got home from work around 4:30, we left Colleen and Lucy and drove up to Birch Bay (by the Canadian border). It was a beautiful drive! Evergreen trees and mist mixed with sun everywhere. For the entire weekend we relaxed, went to movies, went out to eat, and even got to see some sea creatures at the bay (geoducks, crabs, and sand dollars) when the tide was low. For those who aren't familiar with geoducks (thanks to Anna Marie for filling me in), they are everywhere at birch bay. When you find one burried in the sand (which apparently they live to be 150 years old and never move from their spot), you poke the top and it squirts water as it quickly sinks down several feet into the sand. It's crazy! Wade and I spent at least an hour doing this, and it was surprisingly addicting.

Birch Bay at low tide (the water comes up to where we were standing during high tide)

One of many crabs we saw

Sinking Geoduck

This is how you spot them.

I have a little clam shell to help so I didn't have to actually touch them... ewww

We saw hundreds of these sand dollars

I have no idea what this is, but it was cool. So strange to have this smooth surface in the middle of the bay

See that spec? It's a bald eagle...

So of course we had to get closer

Wade got pretty close! Such beautiful birds.

So, all in all it was a wonderful trip. We were relaxed and ready to start the busy life again when we returned on Monday morning, although I must say I missed Lucy nearly every second! It's amazing how quickly you miss the constant chatter. Thanks to Bob and Colleen for coming up once again! I know Lucy had fun, and she misses you both. It was really wonderful to be able to get away for a few days and know she was in good hands. Happy birthday again, Wade!

Lucy was excited when we got home (she showed us her dance moves w/her pretend music.. it's a long'ish video)


Lisa R.D. said...

Favorite quote form the video: "Shake your bum grandma! We're all shaking our bums."

Happy Birthday Wade! So fun that you got to get away.

RyanH said...

Sounds like a great place to go! That's good you got through security! :)

Lisita said...

Loved the update. Glad you had a wonderful get away!

Aimee Oliver said...

Hey there, friend! I miss you!! I'm so glad you updated your blog! What a wonderful get away! Everyone needs those relaxing times together!! i've wanted to surprise my hubby at work...maybe someday!!

lblack said...

You planned such a great surprise! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip - it is nice to get away every once in awhile. :)

RyanH said...

Gooey ducks! You won't believe it! I flipped on the tv and it was on discovery "Dirty Jobs" and it looked interesting... so they started talking about gooey ducks (sp?) and how they would hunt them, anyway they're disgusting and look NOTHING like a duck... gooey or otherwise :) Still enjoyed knowing what you were talking about!

Traci said...

Terri wrote, 6/10/08 @ 4:50 p.m.: Wow! So much to catch up on in a day! I loved the posts though. The videos were GREAT! I loved that snowman hat! The second pic of Lucy and snowman... with comment about propeller hat... does anyone think it looks like Lucy's snowhat has sprouted bunny ears? lol The video of the fingerpainting... CLASSIC! I couldn't stop laughing! Amazing about the gooeyducks or whatever they're called! Was interesting to see a photo of it! Thanks for posting.